VLSI Design Group


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Awards and Honors

Date Recipient(s) Description
2023 Xinjian Liu IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award
2023 Xinjian Liu Link Lab Distinguished Research Award
2023 Ben Calhoun Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors
2022 Ben Calhoun Thornton Society Invention Award
2021 Anjana Dissanayake IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award
2020 Shuo Li, Jacob Breiholz, Sumanth Kamineni, Jaeho Im, David Wentzloff, Benton Calhoun IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Best Paper Award
2017 Divya Akella Virginia Engineering Foundation Graduate Fellowship
2017 Farah B. Yahya William L. Ballard Jr Endowed Graduate Fellowship
2016 Farah B. Yahya Louis T Rader Graduate Research Award
2015 Ben Calhoun Outstanding Young Engineering Graduate Award, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
2015 Ben Calhoun Edlich-Henderson Innovator of the Year, University of Virginia
2015 PsiKick*, Inc. Startup of the Year Award, Charlottesville Business Innovation Council (CBIC)
2014 PsiKick*, Inc. Breakthrough Award, Charlottesville Business Innovation Council (CBIC)
2014 Ben Calhoun Tom Tom CVille Founder Award
2013-2015 Ben Calhoun Commonwealth Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chaired Professorship
2013 Ben Calhoun Distinguished Research Career Development Award, University of Virginia
2013 Yanqing Zhang Best Student Paper at S3S Conference 2013
2013 Alicia Klinefelter ARCS Fellowship
2013 Aatmesh Shrivastava Charles L. Brown Graduate Student Fellowship for Excellence
2013 Aatmesh Shrivastava SEAS Teaching Fellowship
2013 Aatmesh Shrivastava Louis T Rader Graduate Research Award
2012 Peter Beshay SAIC Scholars Research Stipend
2012 Kyle Craig L. William Ballard Fellowship
2012 Alicia Klinefelter Sture G. Olsson Graduate Fellowship
2012 Yanqing Zhang Charles L. Brown Graduate Student Fellowship for Excellence Recipient
2012 Yanqing Zhang 2nd Annual UVA Presidential Poster Competition Winner
2012 Yousef Shakhsheer Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) Graduate STEM Research Fellowship
2012 Benton H. Calhoun, Yanqing Zhang, Sudhanshu Khanna, Kyle Craig, Yousef Shakhsheer, John Lach GOMACTech-11 Best Poster Paper Award
2012 Yanqing Zhang Virginia Council of Graduate Schools 7th Annual Research Forum
2012 Team VLSIcing (Alicia, Kyle, Yanqing) Winner of Presentation Category in CS Cakeoff 2012
2011 Yousef Shakhsheer Intel/Helic/CICC Student Scholarship Award
2010 Saad Arrabi, Yousef Shakhsheer, Sudhanshu Khanna, Kyle Craig, John Lach, Ben Calhoun Winner, 2011 DAC/ISSCC Student Design Contest
2010 Ben Calhoun All-University Teaching Award, University of Virginia
2010 Yanqing Zhang Sheldon L. Cooper Award, University of Virginia ECE VLSI Reading Group
2010 Yousef Shakhsheer Sheldon L. Cooper Award, University of Virginia ECE VLSI Reading Group
2010 Randy Mann Louis T. Rader Graduate Research Award, University of Virginia
2010 Alicia Klinefelter Charles L. Brown Fellowship, University of Virginia
2009 Steve Jocke, Jonathan Bolus, Stuart Wooters, Travis Blalock, and Ben Calhoun First Place in the Low Power Design Contest at International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
2009 Satya Nalam UVA Engineering Research Symposium (UVERS) Finalist
2008-2011 W. Craig Eberhardt Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) Graduate STEM Research Fellowship
2008-2011 Sudhanshu Khanna Univ of Virginia Fellowship Enhancement for Outstanding Doctoral Candidates
2008-2009 Ben Calhoun Technology+Teaching Initiative Fellow
2008 Ben Calhoun Charles L. Brown Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering New Faculty Teaching Award
2008 Jiajing Wang and Ben Calhoun, with Amit Singhee and Rob Rutenbar Best Student Paper Award at International Conference on VLSI Design
2007-2008 Ben Calhoun University of Virginia Teaching Fellow
2007 Ben Calhoun DARPA Young Faculty Award
2006 Ben Calhoun Fund for Excellence in Science and Technology (FEST) Distinguished Young Investigator Grant

*PsiKick is a startup company independent from UVA but founded to commercialize technology from the RLPVLSI group.